Keep your sexual health in check with these easy-to-follow tips and tricks from health professionals who understand the importance of a pleasurable foundation. It’s never too late to join your sexual health journey!
Sexual Health
Meet Cindy Gallop: The Woman Who Thinks We Should Make Love, Not Porn
When discussing the effect of modern technology on our sex lives, we often focus on things such as the latest...
Erectile Dysfunction: What to Do (and Not Do) if You’re Experiencing It
The phrase ‘erectile dysfunction’ often conjures up imagery from pharmaceutical commercials, with smiling couples of 65+whistling as they grab the...
More than Surface Deep – The Science Behind the HEX™ Structure
What is a condom? For years, it’s been a single smooth dollop of latex poured onto a mold, then rolled off when it’s cool. It’s been that way for 70 years – the last major change to the condom was...
LELO HEX™ & Charlie Sheen
“I’m here to admit that I’m in fact HIV-positive.” Charlie Sheen’s revelation on NBC’s Today show in November 2015 was...
15 Common Mistakes that Make Condoms Less Effective
What good is using a seatbelt if you don’t put it on correctly, or a helmet that doesn’t fit? Similarly,...
How a History of Sexually Transmitted Infections Sparked a 21st Century Pandemic
Startling 2014 figures demonstrating the insidious rise of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in the US since 2006[1]; combined with the emergence of an apparently antibiotic-resistant strain of so-called ‘super-gonorrhea’; not to mention grim discoveries surrounding the spread and implications for...
What’s the Problem with Condoms? Experts Talk Barriers to Barrier-Sex Enjoyment
As part of our research into creating the first innovation in condoms for 70 years, we reached out to several...
Is Polyamory Right for You? 8 Questions to Help You Decide
As polyamory and other open relationships options become more visible, more and more people are wondering if that could be...
The Fascinating History of Condoms
The condom as we know it today, strictly regulated and uniformly packed in neat foil squares, may seem like a thoroughly modern invention, yet barrier methods have been used to prevent pregnancy and disease for centuries―find out the fascinating history...
Mastering Male Masturbation
Once upon a time, touching yourself was demonized as a shameful act associated with being wicked or mentally infirm; people...